Norwegian Parliament must support the UN and demand that the dictator in Eritrea judged. Parliament must stop the dictator's associations in Norway and 2% tax from Norway to the dictator.
Eritrea's dictator commits crimes against humanity and must be judged by the International Court in The Hague.
Parliament must therefore ensure that the government is active in the United Nations:
The resolution of the UN Commission of Inquiry in Eritrea (Coie), will be soon considered by the UN General Assembly. It shows that the human rights violations that have occurred in Eritrea can be categorized as a crime against humanity. Slavery, imprisonment, disappear, torture, persecution, rape and murder is committed on a widespread and systematic manner and continue year after year. This is the reason for the influx of refugees from Eritrea -which is the second largest in Norway. International law states that when these violations can be described as crimes against humanity, they shall be referred to the International Court of Justice.