
Sunday, July 20, 2014

ኣሰናዳኢት ሽማግለ ፈስቲቫል ፍራንክፎርት 2014
ማሕበራዊ ፍትሕን ቅዋምን ንምንጋስ:  ብሓባር ንቃለስ! ኣብ ትሕቲ ዝብል ጭርሖ ካብ 8 ክሳብ 10 ነሓሰ 2014  ዝካየድ  ፈስቲቫል  ንመትከላዊ  ጭርሖኡ  ብተግባር  ንምርግጋጽ ኣሰናዳኢት ሽማግለ  ፈስቲቫል  ብዕቱብ  ይሰርሓሉ  ኣሎ። እዚ ፈስቲቫልዚ ካብ ኩሉ ክፍሊ ዓለማት  ንዝዉሕዙ  ተቓለስትን፡  ብጉዳይ  ሃገሮም  ዝግደሱ  ዚጋታትን  ዘአንግድ  መድረኽ  ስለዝኾነ  ንኹሉ  ዘዕግብ  መደባት  ዘካተተ  ክኽውን  ኢዩ።  ብቐንዱ  ድማ፡  እዚ  ፈስቲቫልዚ፡  ፍትሒ  ንምንጋስ  ኣንጻር  ምልኪ  ኣብ  እነካይዶ ዘሎና ቃልሲ፡ ኣድማዒ ናይ ቃልሲ  እጃምና እነበርክተሉ ንክኸውን እናተሰርሓሉ ኢዩ
ፈስቲቫል ፍራንክፎርት 2014 መድረኽ ናይ ኣስተምህሮን ሓበታን ኢዩ። ኣብ ዝተፈላለየ ጉዳያት ኣስተምህሮ ክህቡ ዝኽእሉ ኤርትራውያን ንናይ ካልእ ሃገራት ዜጋታትን ተዓዲሞም ዝመጹ ክህልዉ ኢዮም። ፈስቲቫል ፍራንክፎርት መድረኽ ዓውደ-ክትዕን መድረኽ ዘተ ንክኸውን ኢዩ። ነዚ ክልተ መደባት ንዓርቢን ቀዳምን ተታሒዝሉ ኣሎ።
ዓርቢ፡ ኣብ ፈለማ መዓልናይ ፈስቲቫል፡ ብኣባላት ኣወሃሃዲት  ሽማግለ ሃገራዊ ዲሞክራስያዊ ሓይልታት ኤርትራ (ENDF) ዝምእከል ሰሚናር ክከየድ ኢዩ። ቀንዲ ቴማ/ዛዕባ  ናይቲ ሰሚናር፡

Monday, July 7, 2014

Isayas Afeworki and other Eritrean Officials to be charged

Isayas Afeworki and other Eritrean Officials to be charged
A legal institution in Sweden is to charge Eritrean president Isayas Afeworki and other Eritrean officials on human rights abuse cases: Ethiochannel newspaper writes.

The legal institution claimed to have an authority from the Sweden government to charge individuals of any country who committed human rights abuses. The institution said that it resolved to charge the Eritrean president and other Eritrean officials for the crimes they have committed on their citizens.

The institution said that it has gathered lots of evidence on the crimes committed by the Eritrean officials.