Thursday, January 31, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
A Glimpse into a Mysterious African Dictatorship: Is Eritrea on the Verge? Read more:
Eritrea made a rare foray into international headlines on Monday Jan. 21, as news agencies and social media sites disseminated speculation of a coup attempt. Reliable information on events in Asmara is hard to come by, however, with the tiny East African nation being one of the world’s least open societies and allowing no independent journalists to operate. One signal that all was not well in the Eritrean capital, however, was the fact that the state television service, which is broadcast from inside the headquarters of the Ministry of Information, went off the air for several minutes — for the first time since its creation in 1993.
Although reports of what took place vary wildly, accounts by opposition figures and dissidents claim that the channel’s leading news presenter appeared on air and read out a brief statement calling for a change of the 1997 constitution and release of political prisoners — estimated by Human Rights Watch to number between 5,000 and 10,000.
Although reports of what took place vary wildly, accounts by opposition figures and dissidents claim that the channel’s leading news presenter appeared on air and read out a brief statement calling for a change of the 1997 constitution and release of political prisoners — estimated by Human Rights Watch to number between 5,000 and 10,000.
January 28, 2013
Eritrean-Canadians in Toronto and its surrounding held an extensive meeting on Sunday, January 27, 2013 to register a noble position in history by welcoming and paying homage to the heroes of January 21st, considering the glorious occupation of the Ministry of Information and the radio and television stations it houses a measure taken in the right direction, heralding a march of history that will achieve the aspirations of our people. The participants included members of political parties, civic organizations and independent Eritrean nationalists, constituting all national forces that trust change is at the corner and that our National Defence Forces,
ቅልዕቲ ደብዳበ፡- ሰዲህኤ፡ ንኣኼበኛታት መበል 50 ዓመት መራሕቲ ኣፍሪቃ፡ ኣፍሪቃዊ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ከኽብሩን ህዝባዊ ቻርተር ክትግብሩን ጸዊዑ
Monday, 28 January 2013 19:50
ሰልፊ ዲሞክራሲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ (ሰዲህኤ)፡ ነቶም ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ኣኼባ ዘካይዱ ዘለዉ መራሕቲ ኣፍሪቃ፡ ነቲ ብ1981 ዘጽደቕዎ ንኣፍሪቃዊ ሰብኣዊ መሰላትን ህዝባዊ ቻርተርን ዝምልከት ስምምዓት ከኽብሩን ክትግብሩን ጸዊዑ። ምስ’ዚ ብምትእስሳር፡ ነቲ ኣብ ኤርትራ ዘሎ ኵነታት ኣቓልቦ ክገብርሉ ውን ኣተሓሳሲቡ።
እታ ብኣጋጣሚ መበል 50 ዓመት ጽንብል ምምስራት ሕብረት ኣፍሪቃ እተጻሕፈት ቅልዕቲ ደብዳበ፡ ንኣፍሪቃዊ ሕብረትን ኮሚሽናቱን ነቲ ኣብ ሃገራት ኣፍሪቃ ግዝኣተ-ሕጊ ንምስፋን ዘጽደቖም ውዕላትን ዝዘርግሕዎ ኣዋጃትን እንተላይ ነቲ ኣብ ትሕቲ ጨቋኒ ስርዓት ኢሳያስ ዝነብር ዘሎ 6 ሚልዮን ህዝቢ ዝምልከት ምዃኑ ተዘኻኽር ኢያ።
እቲ ናብ ኵሎም ተሳተፍቲ መበል 50 ዓመት ኣኼባ መራሕቲ ኣፍሪቃ ዝተላእከ ደብዳብ ትሕዝቶኡ ከም’ዚ ዝስዕብ ኢዩ።
ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ንደገፍ ምንቅስቓስ ሰራዊት 21 ጥሪ
ንሕና ደለይቲ ሓርነትን ፍትሕን ተቐማጦ በይ ኤርያ ነቶም አብ ዕለት 21 ጥሪ 2013 አብ ፎርቶ አንጻር ዲክታቶርያዊ ስርዓት ደው ንዝበሉ ሙዑታት አባላአት ሓይልታት ምክልኻል ኤርትራ ደገፍና ንኽንገልጽ ሰፊሕ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ አዳሊና ንርከብ። ስለዚ ኩሉኹም ነበርቲ ኦክላንድ፡ ሳን ፍራንሲስኮ፡ ሳን ሆዘ፡ ሳክራመንቶ፡ ሳንታ ሮዛ ወዘተ አብዚ ታሪኻዊ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ንኽትሳተፉ ንዕድም። ንሓበሬታ ነዚ ዝስዕብ ፖስተር ተወከሱ።
ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ዝግበረሉ ዕለት 4 ለካቲት 2013
ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ዝግበረሉ ዕለት 4 ለካቲት 2013
We Bay Area freedom and justice loving Eritreans are organizing a mass demonstration to support our heroic Eritrean troops who rise against the dictatorship in Eritrea on Monday the 21st January 2013 In Forto. We invite all Eritreans from Oakland, San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramento, Santa Rosa etc to come and participate in this historic demonstration. For general info please check the poster.
The demonstration will be held on February 4,2013
2 ወተሃደራውያን መራሕቲ ምንቅስቓስ 21 ጥርን 2 ዓበይቲ ሰበስልጣን መንግስትን ተኣሲሮም
Written by ቤት ጽሕፈት ዜና ሰዲህኤ
- ኮለነል ሳልሕ ዑስማን
- ኮለነል ስዒድ ዓሊ ሓጃይ (ወድ ዓሊ)
- ዓብደላ ጃብር፡- ሓላፊ ውድባዊ ጕዳያት ህግዲፍ
- ሙስጣፋ ኑርሑሴን፡- ኣመሓዳሪ ዞባ ደቡብ
ኮለነል ስዒድ ዓሊ ሓጃይ (ወድ ዓሊ) ተቐቲሉ ዝብል ዘይተረጋገጸ ሓበሬታ ውን ኣሎ።
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Human Traffickers Kidnap 8 Refugees from UNHCR Camp at Shagarab; Incident Provokes Serious Conflict
On 22 January 2013, armed Rashaida tribemen entered and kidnapped 8 Eritrean refugees, seven of them women and a man.
Angered camp residents tried to confront the Rashaida tribesmen around the region. However, the armed Rashaida started random shooting. The desperate refugees continued to fight back with stones and sticks. The incident claimed a still unknown number of casualties on both sides.
A while later, armed Rashaida tribesmen from the Mestura and Menkut localities started moving towards the refugee camp riding 60 vehicles. Sudanese security and army members in the region arrived on time to stop the raiders.
The UNHCR-sponsored refugee reception camp of Shagarab, located on the Eritrea-Sudan border, has three divisions called Camp North, Camp Center and Camp South. Refugees are usually kidnapped while trying to move between the three divisions of the large camp.
It is to be recalled that the Shagrab camp was visited by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mr. Antonio Guterres a year ago on 12 January 2012.
Angered camp residents tried to confront the Rashaida tribesmen around the region. However, the armed Rashaida started random shooting. The desperate refugees continued to fight back with stones and sticks. The incident claimed a still unknown number of casualties on both sides.
A while later, armed Rashaida tribesmen from the Mestura and Menkut localities started moving towards the refugee camp riding 60 vehicles. Sudanese security and army members in the region arrived on time to stop the raiders.
The UNHCR-sponsored refugee reception camp of Shagarab, located on the Eritrea-Sudan border, has three divisions called Camp North, Camp Center and Camp South. Refugees are usually kidnapped while trying to move between the three divisions of the large camp.
Monday, January 21, 2013
The 'Arab Spring' Arrives in Eritrea
BRUSSELS (IDN) - Arab Spring has arrived in the Horn of Africa. Young people have been campaigning for the last year, inspired by events in Tunisia and Egypt, phoning households in the country that has been in the grip of its leader Isaias Afewerki since independence from neighbouring Ethiopia in 1991.
The young campaigners were asking citizens to stay home on Friday afternoons to protest against the dictatorship. The country has been in clutch of fear, while journalists, church leaders, writers, politicians and ordinary citizens have been locked up in jails. The country even scores below North Korea in terms of press freedom.
Since Monday, January 21, a mutiny has gripped the country as some hundred soldiers occupied the Ministry of Information, and subsequently the airport and the Central Bank. The newsreader read out that a constitution would be introduced and that political prisoners would be released.
The mutiny follows in the aftermath of high officials deserting the 66-year old leader, the latest being the feared Minister of Information, Ali Abdu, who recently sought political asylum in Canada. The coup seems to meet little resistance; local diplomats reported that shops were open and that everything was quiet in the streets. Telephone lines were open. So far it looks like a smooth transition.
Eritrea became independent in 1991 after a 30-year war against Ethiopia, but in 1998 war broke out again between the two countries. In 2001, just a day after 9/11 several critics of President Afewerki were locked up, they were never released and never brought into a court room. A prominent prisoner is Dawit Isac, a journalist – writer whose release has been demanded by a worldwide campaign. Following the crack-down those who had the means to leave the country left.
In recent years the population impoverished further and drought and hunger drove many to flee, despite a shoot-to-kill policy at the border. Human traffickers made use of the vulnerability of these refugees, as they were sold on and ended up in torture camps in the Sinai desert. Torture included burning, hanging, whipping and rape while ransoms were demanded of up to US$ 50.000. Relatives collecting the ransoms for the hostages would sell all their belongings, but could never be sure that they would see their relative alive again.
The UN and independent research concluded that the government of Eritrea itself was complicit with the human trafficking. The population has become increasingly desperate. It is therefore not a surprise that a transition is now being forced. Afewerki spent most of his time abroad as he is reportedly ill. His archenemy Meles, President of Ethiopia, died in 2012 in a hospital in Brussels.
The question is, will the coup succeed? It is likely that it will. Firstly, Eritreans are not likely to oppose a transition, as they have suffered economic collapse and drought in recent years. Secondly, Afewerki has no friends among its neighbours, who are in fact likely to quietly support a transition. Moreover, the U.S. and the 27-nation European Union (EU) have become increasingly irritated with the support of Afewerki to Al Shabaab in Somalia and to the piracy in the Gulf of Aden. Eritrea is a very strategic military location that is certainly of interest to the West.
In the unlikely event that the claim for a transition is contested by factions of the military the international community will demand that Eritrea implements the constitution, frees political prisoners and establishes a transitional government with broad representation. And hence our view that the Arab Spring has finally reached the Horn of Africa, throwing its shadow further into the African continent.
*Prof. Dr. Mirjam van Reisen, professor International Social Responsibility at the Tilburg University, is author of 'Human Trafficking in the Sinai: Refugees between life and death', Wolf Legal Publishers, 2012. She is founding director of the Europe External Policy Advisors (EEPA) in Brussels and member of the International Commission on Eritrean Refugees (ICER). IDN Viewpoints reflect opinions of respective writers, which are not necessarily shared by the InDepthNews editorial board. [IDN-InDepthNews – January 21, 2013]
The young campaigners were asking citizens to stay home on Friday afternoons to protest against the dictatorship. The country has been in clutch of fear, while journalists, church leaders, writers, politicians and ordinary citizens have been locked up in jails. The country even scores below North Korea in terms of press freedom.
Since Monday, January 21, a mutiny has gripped the country as some hundred soldiers occupied the Ministry of Information, and subsequently the airport and the Central Bank. The newsreader read out that a constitution would be introduced and that political prisoners would be released.
The mutiny follows in the aftermath of high officials deserting the 66-year old leader, the latest being the feared Minister of Information, Ali Abdu, who recently sought political asylum in Canada. The coup seems to meet little resistance; local diplomats reported that shops were open and that everything was quiet in the streets. Telephone lines were open. So far it looks like a smooth transition.
Eritrea became independent in 1991 after a 30-year war against Ethiopia, but in 1998 war broke out again between the two countries. In 2001, just a day after 9/11 several critics of President Afewerki were locked up, they were never released and never brought into a court room. A prominent prisoner is Dawit Isac, a journalist – writer whose release has been demanded by a worldwide campaign. Following the crack-down those who had the means to leave the country left.
In recent years the population impoverished further and drought and hunger drove many to flee, despite a shoot-to-kill policy at the border. Human traffickers made use of the vulnerability of these refugees, as they were sold on and ended up in torture camps in the Sinai desert. Torture included burning, hanging, whipping and rape while ransoms were demanded of up to US$ 50.000. Relatives collecting the ransoms for the hostages would sell all their belongings, but could never be sure that they would see their relative alive again.
The UN and independent research concluded that the government of Eritrea itself was complicit with the human trafficking. The population has become increasingly desperate. It is therefore not a surprise that a transition is now being forced. Afewerki spent most of his time abroad as he is reportedly ill. His archenemy Meles, President of Ethiopia, died in 2012 in a hospital in Brussels.
The question is, will the coup succeed? It is likely that it will. Firstly, Eritreans are not likely to oppose a transition, as they have suffered economic collapse and drought in recent years. Secondly, Afewerki has no friends among its neighbours, who are in fact likely to quietly support a transition. Moreover, the U.S. and the 27-nation European Union (EU) have become increasingly irritated with the support of Afewerki to Al Shabaab in Somalia and to the piracy in the Gulf of Aden. Eritrea is a very strategic military location that is certainly of interest to the West.
In the unlikely event that the claim for a transition is contested by factions of the military the international community will demand that Eritrea implements the constitution, frees political prisoners and establishes a transitional government with broad representation. And hence our view that the Arab Spring has finally reached the Horn of Africa, throwing its shadow further into the African continent.
*Prof. Dr. Mirjam van Reisen, professor International Social Responsibility at the Tilburg University, is author of 'Human Trafficking in the Sinai: Refugees between life and death', Wolf Legal Publishers, 2012. She is founding director of the Europe External Policy Advisors (EEPA) in Brussels and member of the International Commission on Eritrean Refugees (ICER). IDN Viewpoints reflect opinions of respective writers, which are not necessarily shared by the InDepthNews editorial board. [IDN-InDepthNews – January 21, 2013]
Possible failed coup attempt in Eritrea
More than 100 dissident soldiers stormed the Ministry of Information in the small East African nation of Eritrea on Monday and read a statement on state TV saying the country's 1997 constitution would be put into force, two Eritrea experts said.
The soldiers held all of the ministry workers - including the daughter of the president - in a single room, said Leonard Vincent, author of the book "The Eritreans" and co-founder of a Paris-based Eritrean radio station. The soldiers' broadcast on state TV said the country's 1997 constitution would be reinstated and all political prisoners freed, but the broadcast was cut off after only two sentences were read and the signal has been off air the rest of the day, Vincent said.
By late afternoon there were indications the soldiers' attempt would fail. A military tank sat in front of the Ministry of Information but the streets of the capital, Asmara, were quiet, and no shots had been fired, said a Western diplomat in Eritrea who wasn't authorized to be identified by name.
Vincent stopped short of calling it a coup d'etat and said it wasn't immediately clear if the action was a well-organized coup attempt or what he called a "kamikaze crash."
Later Monday government soldiers surrounded the ministry, an indication the action by the dissident soldiers had failed, said Martin Plaut, a fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies in Britain.
"It looks like it's an isolated attempt by some soldiers who are completely frustrated by what is going on. But it wasn't done in a coordinated manner," Plaut said. "They did seize the television station, they did manage to put this broadcast out, but the government is still functioning calmly. There is nothing on the streets."
Eritrea is an oppressive and politically isolated neighbor of Ethiopia and Sudan situated on the Red Sea that broke off from Ethiopia in the 1990s. The U.S. government's relations with Eritrea became strained in 2001 as a result of a government crackdown against political dissidents, the closing of the independent press and limits on civil liberties, conditions that the State Department says have "persisted to this day."
Isaias Afworki has ruled the country as president and head of the military since 1993.
If the power grab attempt by the dissident soldiers fails, they are likely in for severe punishments, Vincent and Plaut said.
"People call it the North Korea of Africa and that is accurate, so you either win or you're dead, and I think these people are dead," Plaut said. "One can't be absolutely sure but that's what it looks like."
The soldiers held all of the ministry workers - including the daughter of the president - in a single room, said Leonard Vincent, author of the book "The Eritreans" and co-founder of a Paris-based Eritrean radio station. The soldiers' broadcast on state TV said the country's 1997 constitution would be reinstated and all political prisoners freed, but the broadcast was cut off after only two sentences were read and the signal has been off air the rest of the day, Vincent said.
By late afternoon there were indications the soldiers' attempt would fail. A military tank sat in front of the Ministry of Information but the streets of the capital, Asmara, were quiet, and no shots had been fired, said a Western diplomat in Eritrea who wasn't authorized to be identified by name.
Vincent stopped short of calling it a coup d'etat and said it wasn't immediately clear if the action was a well-organized coup attempt or what he called a "kamikaze crash."
Later Monday government soldiers surrounded the ministry, an indication the action by the dissident soldiers had failed, said Martin Plaut, a fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies in Britain.
"It looks like it's an isolated attempt by some soldiers who are completely frustrated by what is going on. But it wasn't done in a coordinated manner," Plaut said. "They did seize the television station, they did manage to put this broadcast out, but the government is still functioning calmly. There is nothing on the streets."
Eritrea is an oppressive and politically isolated neighbor of Ethiopia and Sudan situated on the Red Sea that broke off from Ethiopia in the 1990s. The U.S. government's relations with Eritrea became strained in 2001 as a result of a government crackdown against political dissidents, the closing of the independent press and limits on civil liberties, conditions that the State Department says have "persisted to this day."
Isaias Afworki has ruled the country as president and head of the military since 1993.
If the power grab attempt by the dissident soldiers fails, they are likely in for severe punishments, Vincent and Plaut said.
"People call it the North Korea of Africa and that is accurate, so you either win or you're dead, and I think these people are dead," Plaut said. "One can't be absolutely sure but that's what it looks like."
ዝኣደሙ ወተሃደራት ኤርትራ፡ ንቤት ጽሕፈት ሚኒስትሪ ዜና ኣብ ትሕቲ ቍጽጽሮም ኣእትዮም
ዝኣደሙ ወተሃደራት ኤርትራ፡ ንቤት ጽሕፈት ሚኒስትሪ ዜና ኣብ ትሕቲ ቍጽጽሮም ኣእትዮም
ብኽልተ ድሩዓት መኻይን ዝተሰነዩ ክሳብ 200 ዝግመቱ ወተሃደራት ኤርትራ፡ ሎሚ ሰኑይ ዕለት 21 ጥሪ 2013 ነቲ ኣብ ፎርቶ ዝርከብ ቤት ጽሕፈት ሚኒስትሪ ዜና ኤርትራ ኣብ ትሕቲ ቍጽጽሮን ከምዘእተውዎ ተሓቢሩ።
እቶም ወተሃደራት ነቶም ኣብኡ ዝጸንሕዎም ሓለፍቲ እቲ ሚኒስትሪ ኣብ ሓደ ውሱን ክፋል ናይ’ቲ ህንጻ ሒዞምዎም ኣለዉ። ኣብ’ዚ ቀረባ እዋን ኣብ’ቲ ሚኒስትሪ ክትሰርሕ ዝተመደበት ኤልሳ ኢሳያስ፡ ጓሉ ንፕረሲደንት ኢሳያስ፡ ካብ’ቶም ኣብ ቍጽጽር ዝውዓሉ ሰራሕተኛታት ምዃና ውን ተገሊጹ።
ጋዜጠኛ ኣስመላሽ ኣብርሃ በቶም ዝኣደሙ ወተሃደራት ተገዲዱ፡ ቅዋም ኣብ ግብሪ ክውዕል ኢዩ፣ ናይ ፖለቲካን ስግረ ዶብ እሱራትን ክፍትሑ ኢዮም ዝብል መግለጺ ብተለቪዥን ድሕሪ ምሃቡ፡ ኤሪቲቪ፡ ድምጺ ሓፋሽ፡ ረድዮ ዛራን ካብ ፈነወ ውጻኢ ኰይነን ምጽንሐን ተፈሊጡ ኣሎ።
ኣብ ኣስመራ ይኹን ወጻኢ ካብ ኣስመራ እቲ ኵነታት ህዱእ ከምዘሎ’ዩ ዝተፈላለዩ ናይ ኤርትራውያንን ወጻእተኛታትን ምንጪታት ክሕብሩ ጸኒሖም።
ድሒሩ ዝመጸ ሓበሬታ፡ ደገፍቲ ናይ’ቲ ስርዓት ዝዀኑ ወተሃደራት፡ ነቶም ኣድመኛታት ኣኽቢቦምዎም ኣለዉ ዝብል ኢዩ። ከምኡ’ውን፡ ኤሪቲቪ ንቡር ፈነወኣ ጀሚራ ኣላ።
ለውጢ ብሓይሊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ክረጋገጽ እዩ
Friday, 18 January 2013 20:27
ሰዲህኤ ነዞም ኣብ ላዕሊ ተቐሚጦም ዘለው ስለስተ ኣምራት ኣብ ቅዋሙ ብንጹር ከስፍሮም ከሎ፡ ለውጢ ብሓይሊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ክረጋገጽ ምዃኑ ምሉእ እምነት ስለ ዘሕደረ እዩ። ግደ ሰልፍታትን ውድባትን ንህዝቢ ምምሃር ምውዳብ ንቓልሲ ምትብባዕ እዩ። እቲ ታሪኽ ክሰርሖ ዘለዎ ግን ህዝብና ባዕሉ እዩ። ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ተኪኡ ባዕሉ እተኸሸነ ጸጋ ከምጽእ ዝማባጻዕ ሓይሊ ቅኑዕ መንገዲ እተኸተለ ኣይኮነን።መብዛሕትኡ ኣብ ውድባት ኤርትራ እንርእዮ ዘለና መሰረታዊ ጌጋ ድማ ከምኡ ዝመስል እዩ።ተቓወምቲ ውድባትን ሰልፍታትን ግደአን ንህዝብና ምምሃር ምውዳብ ንቓልሲ ምትብባዕ ምዃኑ ኣጽኒዐን እንተሕዘንኦ ኩሉ እቲ ኣብ ዕግርግር ዘእትወና ዘሎ ዓለባታት ምተቐንጠጠ ነይሩ። ስርሕና ድማ ክንደየናይ ኣድማዕን ኣፍራይን ምዃነ። እዚ ተዘንጊዑ ኣብ ካልእ ጓል ነገር ምስ ኣድሃብና ግን ከበድቲ ቅርጽታትን ሰነዳትን ኣብ ምድላው ግዜና ኣጥፍእና ኣብ ፍጹም ከሰሓሕብ ዘይግብኦ ጉዳያት ነብስና ክንልሕጽጽ ንርአ ኣለና።
ሰድህኤ ኣብ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ እምነት ኣሕዲሩ ነቶም ኣብ ፕሮግራሙን ቅዋሙን ኣቐሚጥዎም ዘሎ፡ ኣብ ቀረባ ይኹኑ ኣብ ርሑቕ ክረጋገጹ ዘለዎም ፖለቲካውን ምጣነሃብታውን ማሕበራውን ዕላማታት ከዓውቶም ቆሪጹ እተበገሰ ሰልፊ እዩ።
ሕልሚ ሰድህኤ፡ ብሓይሊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ ሃገርና ሰላም ዝሰፈና ፍትሓዊትን ብልጽግትን ክትከውን ምዃና እዩ። ኣብ ቅዋም ሰልፊ ተቐሚጦም ዘለው ቀንዲ ኣምራት ከኣ በዚ ዝስዕብ ገሊጽዎም ኣሎ።
ሰላም ቀንዲ ቅድመ ኩነት ንምርግጋጽ ፍትሕን ብልጽግናን ምዃኑ ንኣምን። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብሰሪ ሰንሰለታዊ ባዕዳዊ መግዛእትታት ንመዋእላት ሰላም ስኢኑ እተሳቐየ ህዝቢ እዩ። ድሕሪ እቲ ብኽቡር መስዋእቲ ደቁ እተረኽበ ናጽነት ሃገር፡ ኩሉ ሕሉፍ ስቅያቱ መደምደምታ ረኺቡ ሰላም ዘውሕስ ኩነታት ክፍጠር ነይርዎ። ሰላም ግን ንባዕዳውያን ገዛእቲ ብምስጓግ ጥራይ ክረጋገጽ ኣይከኣለን። እቲ ድሐሪ ናጽነት ኣብ ሃገርና እተተኽለ ስርዓት ብዓንዳሪ ፖሊሲ ውግእ ንህዝብና ጌና ኣብ ዘይቅሱን ኲነታት ከምዝነብር ገይርዎ ኣሎ። በዚ ምኽንያት፡ ሰዲህኤ ንህሉው ኲነታት ሃገርና ብመሰረቱ ንምቕያር ኣብ ዘካይዶ ዘሎ ቃልሲ፡ ምርግጋጽ ሰላም ቀንዲ ዕላምኡ እዩ። ንሰላም ከም ቀንዲ ዕላማን፡ ቅድመ ኲነት ንምርግጋጽ ፍትሕን ብልጽግናን ገይሩ ስለ ርእዮ ከኣ፡ ንመላኺ ስርዓት ኣልጊሱ፡ እቲ ንወተሃደራዊ ሓይሊ ምልኪ ኣብ ምዕባይ ዝውዕል ዘሎ ዓቕሚ ሃገርናን ህዝብናን መንእሰያትናን፡ ኣብ ምርግጋጽ ሰላምን ፍትሕን ብልጽግናን ክውዕል ከይተሓለሎ ክቃለስ እዩ። እቲ ገደብ ግዜ ዘይብሉ፡ ንኣእምሮን ጉልበትን መንእሰያት ሃገርና ብኸንቱ ዘህልኽ ዘሎ፡ ዘይሕጋዊ ወተሃደራዊ ኣገልግሎት ህሉው ስርዓት ሰሪዙ፡ ንመሰልን ጉቡእን መንእሰያትን ኤርትራ ብሚዛን ዝሕዝ፡ ንመጻኢ ዕድሎም ብሓልዮት ዝምልከት ፖሊሲ ከተኣታቱ እዩ። ሰላም ኣብ ሞንጐ ኤርትራውያንን፡ ምስ ጐረባብቲ ሃገራትን ዓለምን ክረጋገጽ ከኣ ቀንዲ ዕላምኡ ገይሩ ክቃለስሉ እዩ።
ፍትሓዊ ስርዓት ምትካል፡ ዋሕስ ሰላም ምዃኑ ንኣምን። እቲ ንፖለቲካውን ሰብኣውን መሰላት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ረጊጹ ዝገዝእ ዘሎ መላኺ ስርዓት ኤርትራ፡ ረብሕኡ ሃገርና ኣብ ቀጻሊ ኩነታት ውግእ ክትነብር ከላ እዩ። ሰላማዊ ኲነታት፡ ትኹረት ህዝብና ኣብ ጉዳይ ምምሕዳር ሃገሩን ኣብ ጉዳይ መሰላቱን ክጽመድ ምቹእ ኩነታት ስለ ዝፈጥር፡ መለኽቲ ንሰላም ዝዕንቅፍ ቐጻሊ ተንኮላት ኣብ ምእላም ይርከቡ። ሰዲህኤ ብእንጻሩ፡ ፍትሓዊ ስርዓት ንምትካል ቆጸራን መመኽነይታን ዘየድልዮ ህጹጽ ታሪኻዊ ጠለብ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ምዃኑ ስለ ዝኣምን፡ ንመለኽቲ ብኹሉ መደያት እናበደሀ ነቲ ፈታው ውግእን ዓንቃፍን ዕላምኦም እናእቃልዐ ኣብዝሓ ሰልፍታት ዝመሰረቱ ፍትሓዊ ዲሞክራስያዊ ስርዓት ንምትካል’ዩ ዝቃለስ።
ብልጽግና ቀዳማይ ኣጀንዳ ሃገርና ዝኸውን፡ ህዝብና ብኹሉ ዓቕሙ ኣብ ምቕያር መነባብርኡ ተጸሚዱ ክዕወት ዝኽእል፡ ሰላምን ፍትሕን ኣብ ዝተረጋግጸሉ ግዜን ኲነታትን ምዃኑ ንኣምን። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣብ ድኽነትን፡ ድሕረትን፡ ሕማምን፡ ድንቁርናን ዝርከብ ብሰሪ እቲ ክሓልፎ ዝጸንሐ ሰላም ዘበዀሮ ዘይቅሱንን ዘይፍትሓውን ኲነታት እዩ። እዚ ኲነታት እዚ ብመስረቱ ተቐይሩ ሕረስ ሓረስታይ ንገድ ነጋዳይ ዝብል ናጻ ዕዳጋ ዝመሰረቱ ስርዓት እንተድኣ ተተኺሉ ግን፡ ህዝብና ጻዕረኛን ንመነባብርኡ ንምቕያር ዓቕሚ ዘለዎን ብምዃኑ ሃገርና ክትዕንብብን ክትብልጽግን ምዃና ንኣምን።
ሰዲህኤ ነዞም ኣብ ላዕሊ ተቐሚጦም ዘለው ስለስተ ኣምራት ኣብ ቅዋሙ ብንጹር ከስፍሮም ከሎ፡ ለውጢ ብሓይሊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ክረጋገጽ ምዃኑ ምሉእ እምነት ስለ ዘሕደረ እዩ። ግደ ሰልፍታትን ውድባትን ንህዝቢ ምምሃር ምውዳብ ንቓልሲ ምትብባዕ እዩ። እቲ ታሪኽ ክሰርሖ ዘለዎ ግን ህዝብና ባዕሉ እዩ። ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ተኪኡ ባዕሉ እተኸሸነ ጸጋ ከምጽእ ዝማባጻዕ ሓይሊ ቅኑዕ መንገዲ እተኸተለ ኣይኮነን።መብዛሕትኡ ኣብ ውድባት ኤርትራ እንርእዮ ዘለና መሰረታዊ ጌጋ ድማ ከምኡ ዝመስል እዩ።ተቓወምቲ ውድባትን ሰልፍታትን ግደአን ንህዝብና ምምሃር ምውዳብ ንቓልሲ ምትብባዕ ምዃኑ ኣጽኒዐን እንተሕዘንኦ ኩሉ እቲ ኣብ ዕግርግር ዘእትወና ዘሎ ዓለባታት ምተቐንጠጠ ነይሩ። ስርሕና ድማ ክንደየናይ ኣድማዕን ኣፍራይን ምዃነ። እዚ ተዘንጊዑ ኣብ ካልእ ጓል ነገር ምስ ኣድሃብና ግን ከበድቲ ቅርጽታትን ሰነዳትን ኣብ ምድላው ግዜና ኣጥፍእና ኣብ ፍጹም ከሰሓሕብ ዘይግብኦ ጉዳያት ነብስና ክንልሕጽጽ ንርአ ኣለና።
ለውጢ ብሓይሊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ክረጋገጽ እዩ። ንለውጢ ደው ዘብል ሓይሊ ድማ ክርከብ ኣይኮነን። እቶም ንግዝያዊ ጸገማት ኣጋኒኖም እናረአዩ ተስፋ ዝቖርጹ ኣብ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ እምነት ክህልዎም ንመክር። ቃልስና ብዓቐብን ቅልቁልን ክሓልፍ’ዩ ኣብ መወዳእታ ግን ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ክዕወት ምዃኑ ፍጹም ኣብ ምጥርጣር ክወድቕ የብሉን። ለውጢ ብርግጽ ብሓይሊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ክረጋገጽ እዩ።
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
ጓሉ ንሚኒስተር ዜና ነበር ዓሊ ዓብዱ
assenna ጓሉ ንሚኒስተር ዜና ነበር ዓሊ ዓብዱ ከምዘይተኣስረት ምንጭታት ካብ ኤርትራ ደጊሞም ኣረጋጊጾም።
ጓሉ ነቲ ንስርዓት ህግደፍ ራሕሪሑ ኣብ ወጻኢ ዑቕባ ዝሓተተ ሚኒስተር ዜና ነበር ዓሊ ዓብዱ ብህግደፍ ከምዘይተኣስረት ምንጭታት ካብ ኤርትራ ደጊሞም ኣረጋጊጾም።
ብ27 ታሕሳስ 2012፡ ጓል 15 ዓመት ሲሃም ዓሊ ዓብዱ ብሓይልታት ጸጥታ ህግደፍ ተታሒዛ ኣብ ግላስ ተኣሲራ ከምዘላ ዝተዘርግሐ ወረ መሰረት ከምዘይብሉ ዝጠቐሱ ምንጭታት፡ እቶም ኣሰራ ንምርካብ ሃነፍነፍ ዝብሉ ዘለዉ ሓይልታት ጸጥታ ህግደፍ፡ ዋላ ካብ ጎረቤት ሃገር ጨውዮም ናብ ኤርትራ ከምጽኡዋ ሕኒን ይብሉ ከምዘለዉ ኣገንዚቦም።
ሚኒስተር ዜና ነበር ዓሊ ዓብዱ፡ ንስርዓት ህግደፍ ራሕሪሑ ኣብ ወጻኢ ዑቕባ ካብ ዝሓትት ልዕሊ ክልተ ወርሒ ኣሕሊፉ ኳ እንተሎ: ዛጊት ንኩነታቱ ብወርግዒ ኣይተዛረበሉን።
ጓሉ ነቲ ንስርዓት ህግደፍ ራሕሪሑ ኣብ ወጻኢ ዑቕባ ዝሓተተ ሚኒስተር ዜና ነበር ዓሊ ዓብዱ ብህግደፍ ከምዘይተኣስረት ምንጭታት ካብ ኤርትራ ደጊሞም ኣረጋጊጾም።
ብ27 ታሕሳስ 2012፡ ጓል 15 ዓመት ሲሃም ዓሊ ዓብዱ ብሓይልታት ጸጥታ ህግደፍ ተታሒዛ ኣብ ግላስ ተኣሲራ ከምዘላ ዝተዘርግሐ ወረ መሰረት ከምዘይብሉ ዝጠቐሱ ምንጭታት፡ እቶም ኣሰራ ንምርካብ ሃነፍነፍ ዝብሉ ዘለዉ ሓይልታት ጸጥታ ህግደፍ፡ ዋላ ካብ ጎረቤት ሃገር ጨውዮም ናብ ኤርትራ ከምጽኡዋ ሕኒን ይብሉ ከምዘለዉ ኣገንዚቦም።
ሚኒስተር ዜና ነበር ዓሊ ዓብዱ፡ ንስርዓት ህግደፍ ራሕሪሑ ኣብ ወጻኢ ዑቕባ ካብ ዝሓትት ልዕሊ ክልተ ወርሒ ኣሕሊፉ ኳ እንተሎ: ዛጊት ንኩነታቱ ብወርግዒ ኣይተዛረበሉን።
ሽኩሹካ ዓሊ
ሽኩሹካ ዓሊ
እዚ ኩሉ ክሳድ እዚ ኩሉ ስብሒ
እቲ ኩሉ ጉራ እቲ ኩሉ ነዝሒ
እዚ ኩሉ ሓሶት እዚ ኩሉ ነፍሒ
ብኽንድገልኡ ኮይኑና’ምበር ዑንቂ
እቲ ኩሉ ጉራ እቲ ኩሉ ነዝሒ
እዚ ኩሉ ሓሶት እዚ ኩሉ ነፍሒ
ብኽንድገልኡ ኮይኑና’ምበር ዑንቂ
እዋን ሓደ ግዜ ምጥፋእ ናይ አያኡ
ይብል ደይነበረን አሎ ገና ኢሱ
ዕደ ነሳእክን ካብ ሙታን ተንሲኡ
ብልቡ ገዲፉ ብብርኩ አስተንፊሱ
ይብል ደይነበረን አሎ ገና ኢሱ
ዕደ ነሳእክን ካብ ሙታን ተንሲኡ
ብልቡ ገዲፉ ብብርኩ አስተንፊሱ
ዓሊ ፍርቂ ሚኒስተር!
እንታይ ኮን ትኸውን ማዕዶ ዘስፈረቶ
ፎርቶዶ ትኸውን ዓቀብ ተሪራቶ
ሽኩሹካ ቀትሪ ሃጽ ዘጥፍአቶ
ፎርቶዶ ትኸውን ዓቀብ ተሪራቶ
ሽኩሹካ ቀትሪ ሃጽ ዘጥፍአቶ
አንታ ዓሊ መሊስካ ትዕሹ
ገበን ተሸኪምካ ብመሸምዑ
ከመይ ክአኽለካ ቲ’ሰፈር አናጹ
ገበን ተሸኪምካ ብመሸምዑ
ከመይ ክአኽለካ ቲ’ሰፈር አናጹ
ሽኩሹካ ግደፍ አንፈትካ የዐሪ
መሊስካ አይትሃንዝል ንመሕጸሪ ዕምሪ
ቦሎኽ ኢልካ ውጻእ ይቅረ በሎ ህዝቢ
መሊስካ አይትሃንዝል ንመሕጸሪ ዕምሪ
ቦሎኽ ኢልካ ውጻእ ይቅረ በሎ ህዝቢ
ዘካርያስ ክብርአብ
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
ብሓይሊ’ሞ ብሓይሊ፡ ግና በየናይ ሓይሊ
ኣብዚ ጽሑፈይ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኣብ ልዕሊ ሃገርን ህዝብን ኤርትራ ዝፍጽሞ ዘሎ ገበናት ኣይክዝርዝርን እየ። ስለምንታይ ኣንበብቲ ብዛዕባ ገበነኛን ጸረ-ህዝብን ተግባራት ስርዓት ህግደፍ እኹል ግንዛበ ኣለዎም ኢለ ስለ ዝኣምን። ሎሚ ኤርትራውያን ዕግበቶም ኣብ ጸረ-ህዝብነት ስርዓት ህግደፍ ጥራይ ዝድረት ኣይኮነን። እዚ እከይ ስርዓት’ዚ ጽባሕ ዘይኮነስ ሎሚ ክውገድ ከም ዝግበኦ ካብ ዝዓግቡ’ውን ነዊሕ ግዜ ኮይኑ’ዩ። እዚ ጥራይ ኣይኮነን ህዝብና ጌና መሪሕ ናይ ለውጢ ሓይሊ’ኳ እንተዘይረኸበ እዚ ስርዓት ምስ ተወገደ ብእንታይ ዓይነት ስርዓትን ፖሊስን ክትካእ ይግበኦ ኣብ ዝብል እውን መተካእታ ክእምት ይስማዕ ኣሎ።
ናብ ደንበ ተቓውሞና ክንምለስ እንከለና ዘራኽቡና ብዙሓት ጉዳያት ኣለዉ። ዝፈላልዩና ከም ዘለዉ’ውን ኣጽኒዕና ኣለና። ኣብቶም ዘራኽቡና ድዩ ኣብቶም ዝፈላልዩና ጉዳያት መሰረታውን ዘይመሰረታውን ፍልልያት ኣብ ምንጻር፡ ከምኡ’ውን ቀዳምነት ዝወሃቦም እዋናዊ ዛዕባታትን ብኻለኣይ ደረጃ ክስርዑ ዝግበኦም ዘይእዋናዊ ዛዕባታትን ፈሊኻ መልክዕ ኣብ ምትሓዝ ጸገም ከም ዘለና ዝሕባእ ኣይመስለንን። እዞም መሰረታውን ዘይመሰረታውን ወይ እዋናውን ዘይእዋናውን እንብሎም መፈላለዪ ዛዕባታት ብዙሓት ስለ ዝኾኑ ኣብ’ዚ ናይ ሎሚ ጽሑፈይ ናብ ምዝርዛሮም ኣይከድህብን እየ። ብዛዕባ’ቲ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ንምውጋድ ክንክተሎ ዘለና ኣገባብ ቃልሲ ግና ከምቲ ኣርእስቲ ጽሑፈይ ዘመልክቶ ገለ ሓሳባት ወስ ከብል።
Thursday, January 3, 2013
ግዜ እንተዘይ ስዒብካዮ ኣይጽበየካን’ዩ
ግዜ ኣብ ኩሉ ህይወትና ናቱ ጽልዋን ተጽዕኖን ስለ ዘለዎ ኣብ ኩሉ ምንቅስቓስና ክንጠቕሶን ኣብ ግምት ከነእትዎን ግዱዳት ኢና። ‘’ግዜ ንዘምጸኦ እንታይ ይግበር፡ ንኹሉ ግዜ ኣለዎ፡ መዓልትን ከልብን ከይጸዋዕካዮም ይመጹ’’ ዝብሉ ኣብሃህላታት ግዜ ናቱ ነጻነት ዘለዎ ማንም ዘይዓግቶ ዘይደክም ተጐዓዛይ ምዃኑ ዘመላኽቱ ኣበሃህላታት እዮም።
ሓደ ነገር ክትሰርሕ ሕቶ ወይ ወኸሳ ክቐርበልካ እንከሎ ‘’በልስኪ ግዜ ሃበኒ’’ ትብል። እዚ ድማ ግዜ ክሳብ ክንደይ ሓያል ረቛሒ ምዃኑ ዘመልክት እዩ። ነቲ ዝተዋህበካ ግዜ ኣብ’ቲ እዋኑ እንተዘይተጠቒምካሉ ግና ግዜ ጉዕዞኡ ቀጻሊ እዩ። ስለዚ ግዜ ኣብቲ ቆጸራኻ እንተዘይተረኺብካ መትረፊኻ ወይ መደንጐይኻ ብዘየገድስ ዋላ ንካልኢት ትኹን ዘይጽበየካ ኣጠርሚሙ ዝኸይድ ተጐዓዛይ እዩ።
ንጉዳይ ግዜን ኣጠቓቕምኡን መምስቲ ዝተሰለፍካሉ ሜዳ ኢኻ ክትቃንዮ እትግደድ’ሞ ንሕናውን ብመንጽር እቲ ሒዝናዮ ዘለና ኣዝዩ ዘገምታዊ ናይ ለውጢ ቃልሲ መስርሕ ኢና ክንመዝኖ። ብረታዊ ቃልሲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ 30 ዓመታት ወሲዱ። ብዙሓት ወገናት ጐናዊ ጓልነገር ጉዳያት እንተዘይሕወሶ ክንድኡ ክወስድ ኣይመተገበአን ዝብሉ ኣለዉ። ነቲ ዘጋጠመ ናይ ሕድሕድ ውግእ ድማ ከም ኣብነት ይገልጽዎ። ዘይሩ ዘይሩ ንግዜና ከምቲ ግቡእ ኣብ መሰረታዊ መዓላኡ ስለ ዘየውዓልናዮ ቃልስና ነዊሑ ዝኸፈልናዮ ዋጋ ዝያዳ ከቢዱ በሃልቲ እዮም። ግዜ ድማ በቲ ልሙድ ጉዕዞኡ ኣብ መስርሕ ቃልሲ ምእንቲ ነጻነት 30 ዓመታት ተጓዒዙ።
ድሕሪ ነጻነት ኤርትራ ምእንቲ ደሞክራሲ፡ ሰላምን ማዕርነትን እነካይዶ ዘለና ቃልሲ ነዊሕ መስርሕ፡ ብዙሓት ምዕራፋት ዘለውዎ እዩ። ከም ኣብነት ድሕሪ ናይ 1998 ውግእ ኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን ዘሎ ግዜ ምውሳድ ይከኣል። ተቓወምቲ ውድባት ኤርትራ ዋላ’ኳ ቅድሚኡ’ውን ናይ ተቐራሪብካ ምስራሕ ኣድላይነት ይረኣየን እንተነበረ፡ እቲ ውግእ ነቲ ሓቢርካ መተካእታ ናይ ምድላይ ኣድላይነት ስለ ዘቃላጠፎ ሃገራዊ ምሕዝነት ኤርትራ መስረታ። ሽዑ እዩ ድማ ግዜ ከለካ ግዜ ኣይትጸበ’ዩ እሞ ነዚ ኩነታት ክንጥቀመሉ ኣለና ዝብል ኣበሃህላ ጎሊሑ ዝስማዕ ዝነበረ። ግዜ ግና ምእንቲ ውግእ ኢሉ ኣይቅልጥፍ ምእንቲ ሰላም ኢሉ ኣይዝሕል እቲ ግቡእ ቅልጣፈኡ ተኸቲሉ መንገዱ ቀጺሉ። ኣብዚ ጉዕዞዚ ንሕና ማዕረ ግዚ ኣይሰጐምናን። እንዳረኣና እንዳሰማዕና ግዜ ስርሑ እንዳሰርሐ ገዲፉና ከይዱ። ናይ ውግእ ግዜ ሓሊፉ። እቲ ናይ ተዛማዲ ሰላም ግዜ ድማ መድረኽ ተረኪቡ።
ኣብዚ ሎሚ ግዜ ኮይና ጉዳያት ክንዕዘብ እንከለና፡ ንሕና ኣብቲ ናይ ከባቢ 1998/99 ኩነታት ኣለና። እቲ ግዜ ግና 15 ዓመታት ራሕሪሑና ኣብ ድሮ 2013 በጺሑ እነሆ። ሕጂ’ውን ግዜስ መንገዱ ጥጡሕ እዩ ክቕጽል እዩ። ናትና ግና ኣይነጸረን። ብኸመይ ናባበይ ገጽናን ከም ንስጉም ኣይበረሀን። ከምቲ ግቡእ ነቲ ተመሪሕናዮ ዘለና ዓመታት ከነምልስ ዝያዳ ክንጐዪ ምተገበኣና። ከምዚ ኣተሓሕዛና ግና እቲ እንብለጸሉ ዓመታት ዝውስኽዩ ዝመስል። እቲ ጸገመ ብግዜ ብምቕዳምና ጥራይ ኣይኮነን ዝግለጽ። እቶም ናይ ለውጢ ረቛሒታትና ማለት ጉልበት፡ ንብረት፡ ዝያዳ ድማ ናይ ህዝብና ተስፋን ደገፍን ከም ግዜ ካባና ይርሕቁ ምህላዎም እዩ።
እቲ ጉዕዞኡ ዘየቋርጽ ግዜ ጥራይ ኣይኮነን። እቲ ሒዝናዮ ዘለና ናይ ለውጢ መስርሕ’ውን ብዘይካቲ ንሕና ነቐልጥፎ ወይ ነደንጉዮ ናቱ ናይ ጉዕዞ መስርሕ ኣለዎ። ናትና ግደ ነቲ ዘይተርፍ ውሽጣዊ ዕቤቱ ናብ ኣውንታ ወይ ናብ ኣሉታ ናይ ምእላዩ ጉዳይ እዩ። ፍሉጥ ክንደክም እንከለና ነቲ መስርሕ ስለ ዘይንቆጻጸሮ እቲ ኣቕጣጫኡ ካብ ድሌትና ወጻኢ እዩ ዝኸውን። እዚ ንዕዘቦ ዘለና ድማ ከምኡ እዩ። እንተንሕይል ግና ነቲ ዕቤት ናብቲ እንጽበዮ ኣቕጣጫ መወሰድናዮ’ሞ ኣውንታዊ ምኾነ።
‘’ ዝሓለፈስ ሓለፈ ኣይትድገመኒ ኣብ ዝተረፈ” ጽቡቕ ኣበሃህላ ወለድና እዩ። ነቲ ዝሓለፈ ንመሃረሉ እንተኾነ ናቱ እሱራት ኣይንኹን ዝብል መልእኽቲ ንምትሕልላፍ ዝተመርጸ ተረካብ ዘረባ እዩ። ሎሚ ንመሰረታዊ ትርጉም ናይዚ ኣበሃህላዚ ኣጽኒዕካ ናይ ምትግባሩ ምእዙዝ ዘይምዃን እንታይ ዋጋ የኽፍለና ከም ዘሎ ንዕዘቦ ኣለና። ካልእ መዋጸኦ ኸዓ የብልናን። ብመንጽር’ዚ ኣብ ክንዲ ኣብ መጻኢ ጌጋታት ከይድገም ንጽዕር ዝሓለፈ ጌጋታት ክንምርምር ክንብል ሓድሽ ኣንቆራ ጌጋታት ንፈጥረሉ ዘለና ኣካይዳ ቅኑዕ ኣይኮነን።
ስለዚ ስንና ነኺስና ዝሓለፈ ጉዕዞና ዋላ ነዘን ኣቐዲምና ዝጠቐስናየን 15 ዓመታት ንበይነን ወሲድና እንተመዘናየን፡ ውጽኢታዊ ኣይነበረን ክንብል ናይ ግድን እዩ። ኣብዘን ዝሓለፋ ዓመታት ዝተፈጥሩ ግንባራት፡ ኪዳናትን ባይቶታትን ውሽጡ ንዘይተጋለሀ ጐታቲ ስምዒታት ብዘብለጭልጭ ጭረሖታት ኣጐልቢብካ ዝተደኮኑ ስለ ዝነበሩ፡ እነሆ ሎሚ እቲ ጉልባብ ግዜኡ ሓልዩ ተቐሊዑ እቲ ግጉይ ትሕዝቶ ባዕሉ ክዛረብ ጀሚሩ። ስለዚ እዞም ምትእኽኻባት እዚኣቶም ነንብሶም በበይኖም ከም ናይ መቐጸሊ መወከሲ ተዘይወሰድዋ ይምረጽ።
ከም ንድሕሪት ምምላስ ሕማቕ ነገር የለን። እንተኾነ እቲ ምርጫ ንሱ ጥራይ እንተኾይኑ ምቕባሉ ናይ ግድነት እዩ። ስለዚ 2013’ውን ከምተን ቅድሚኣ ዝነበራ ዓመታት ብዘይ ርኡይ ውጽኢት ኣብ ኢድና ንከይትሓውየና፡ ኣብ ክንዲ በብዘለኻዮ በበይንኻ ርእስኻ ምንቕናቕ፡ ሕጂ’ውን ካልእ ግዜ ከይነባኽን ክንለዓል ይግበኣና።
ለባም ክጋገስ መራግእቲ ነይገድፍ፡
እዚ መስተዉዓሊ ብሕጊ ዝማሓደር ዝነበረ በሊሕ ህዝቢ፡ ኣብ እምነታቱ ጸንዑ ንኣሽሓት ዓመታት ዘጽነሓልና ሪም ነባሪ‘ዩ ። ወለደታቱ ውጽኢቱ እንታይ ንገብር ከም ዘሎና ንግንዘበዶ ንርደኦዶ ንህሉ…? ናይ ዝሓለፈ ታሪኽን ናይ ሎሚ ወለዶ ታሪኽን ካብ ምንታይ ዝተበገሰ‘ዩ..?፡ እዚ ኹሉ ሸንኮለል ካብ ሕሉፍ ኣሰራርሓና ዘይንማሃር ከይንህሉ ብዓቢ ኣስተብህሎ ምርኣዩ የድሊ። ነዚ ሓብርካ ተሳኒኻ ንምንባር እዚኹሉ ወጠጥ ንምንታይ ኣድለየ።ካብ ሓብርካ ምንባር ዝጥዕም ንላዕሊ ኣሎ ኣይብልን።ግደፉ ንጥዑም ምቁር ክንብል ዘይንበቅዕ ኣይንኹን። ንመሪር መሪር ምባል ኣይኽበደና። ብፍላይ ውልቀ ሰባት፡ ጸጋን ዕድመን ዝተዓደሉ፡ምኽሮምን ተሞኩሮኦምን ከተሓላልፉ ብሓላፍነት ክብገሱ ንጽበ።ብፍላይ ንሕና ኩልና፡ ኣብ ገገዛና ኮይና ተባህለን ተገብረን ክንብል ግዜና ኣይንጸንቅቕ። እጃምና ነበርክት፡ ልዕሊ ህዝብናን ሃገርናን፡እንምነዮን ንብህጎን ኣይክህልወናን‘ዩ። ለባማት ክምስሉ ከለዉ ጥቅሊዒት ትሸኖ ሽንቲ ተመሊሱ ናብቲ ዝሸኖ ኣካል የጠልቅዮን የጭንዎን ይብሉ።
ቀዳሞት ኣቦታትና ኣብ ጉዳይ ምሕደራ ኤርትራ ፈተነታት ኣየጓነፎምን ድዩ…? ኣጓንፍዎም እምበር፡ ንሱ ድማ ኣብ ክልተ ዓበይቲ. ምክፋል ይከኣል፡ እቲ ሓደ ምስ ኢትዮ- ሓብርካ ምንባር ዝብል ሸነኽ ክኸዉን ከሎ፡ እቲ ሓደ ክፋል ድማ ኤርትራ ንኤርትራዉያን ዝብሉ ክልተ ዘይራኸቡ ተጻረርቲ ርእይቶታት ንህዝብና ኣብ ዓሚቕ ፈተነ ኣጥሒሎሞ ነሮም።እቲ ሓቀኛ ራኢ ሒዙ ንፍጹም ናጽነትን ሓርነትን ኤርትራ፡ ዝተበገሰ ወሳኒ ዕላማ ሸነኽ፡ ንመላእ ህዝቡ ወዲቡ ብምቅላስ ንጸላኢ ካብ ሃገሩ ከባርር በቒዑ‘ዩ። ንሃገሩ፡ምስ ሕብረተ ሰብ ዓለም ኣካል ከምትኸዉን ገይሩ። ናይ ቀዳሞት ወለዲ ክብሪ ንሃገሮምን ህዝቦምን ብምዕቃብ ካብ ምብትታን ኣድሒኖሞ።፡ክብሪ ድማ ንሶም ተወንዚፎሞ ።ንሕና ካብዚኣቶም ኢና ተፈጢርና። ወለድና ዘኹርዕ ኣረኣእያን ስራሕን ጅግንነት ዝፈጸሙ ከንሶም፡ ንሕና ደቆም ዘርብሓና ዘይምርኣይና፡ ከምቲ ጅግና ሕማቅ ተወለደ ተዘምተ፡ሕማቅ ጅግና ተወለደ ተቐልተ ከም ዝባሃል ምስላ ፡ ከይኸዉን ዕጫና ደጋግምና ምስትብሃል ከምዘድሊ ኣብ ጉዕዞ ተቃዉሞታት ጉድለታት ክደጋገም ትዕዘብ። (ሓድጊ ጅግና ኩሉጊዜ ሕመረት ኣለዎ)።
ኩሉ ጊዜ ንዝወጹ ንመደባት ኣብ ምትርጓም ዕንቅፋት ከምዘጓንፉ ርዱእ እንዃን እንተኾነ፡ ኣብ ምእላዮም ግን ዉልቀ ሰባት ዓቢ ኣበርኽቶ ኣለዎም ። ንሳቶም ድማ ልቦናን ጽሮትን ዝተዓደሉ እዮም፡ ካብ ቅምን-በቐልን ሓቝንካ ዝወጽእ ጠስሚ ከምዘይርከብ ዘረጋገጹ እዮም። ኣብ ግዝያዊ ረብሓ ዘተኩር ኩሉ፡ እንዳፈለጠ ነቲ መስተዉዓሊ ኣእምሮ ናብ ዘየድሊ መኣዝናት ዝጠምዘዙ እዮም። ከም ዝበሃል እንዳፈለጠ ዘጽቀጠ፡ ሓርማዝ እንተነቅነቖ እዉን ኣይሰምዕን።
ንኣብነት፡ደቂ ሰባት ኣብ ዘየድሊ ጎጽታት እንተተኣልዮም፡ ብመሰረቱ ወዲ ሰብ 100% ዝበሃል ኣብ ዓለምና ዘሎ ኣይኮነን፡ነቶም ሰብ ሞያ ኣብ ናይ ጥዕና መገመቲ ኣገባባት ዝጥቀሙ ከጽንዕዎም ክደልዩ ከለዉ፡ኩሉ ከምዝግበርን መሰል ክህልወካ ከምዝግባእ እንዳምሰሉ፡ ካብቲ ዝፈጸምካዮ፡ፍጻሜታት ወጻኢ እንዳዕለሉ ወጃዕጃዕ የብሉኻ‘ሞ፡እቲ ዝድለ መገምገሚ፡ ናይ ምልእነትካን- ጉድለትካን ዉጺእታዊ ገምጋም የዋህልሉ። ካብቲ ዝሓቱኻን እትምልሶ ኣዋጽኦም ጉድለታት የዋህልሉ መገምገሚካ ድማ እረኽቡ። ናይ ጸጥታ ኣሰራርሐ እዉን ተማሳሳሊ እዩ፡ ኣብቲ ምዕቡል ምሕደራታት ዝወነኑ ሃገራትን ህዝብታትን ።ምስ ምልካዊ ባህሪ ዘለዎ ቅርቢ ፡ ሐቂ ክዛረብ ትጽቢት ዝግበረሉ ኣይኮነን ። ትንዋሕ ትሕጸር ግን ኣታ ሐቂ መናሕሰዪት ከምዘይኮነት ምርዳኣ ተድሊ፡ነበሪት ካብ ምዃን ድሕር ዘይትብል‘ያ። ብዓል ሓደ ከብዱ ድማ ኣብ ናይ ታሪኽ ጓሓፍ እትኽዘን ምዃና ኢና ንሪኢ። ናይ 2011 ኩነታት ምዕዛብ ብቐሊሉ ከረዳኣና ይኽእል፡ ኣበይ ኣለዉ በዓል ሓደ ከብዶም…? ግን ክትበልዓ ዝደለኻ እንስሳ ስማ ኣጸባብቕካ ምብልዐ‘ዩ፡ኣንነት ካበይ ትቦቑል፡ ካብ ዕሽነት፡መጨረሻ ዕሽነት ኸ..? ስዕረት። ነዊሕ ከይተጓዕዝና ካብ ግዜ ኃጸይ ኃይለ ስላሴ ክንማሃር ይቐርበልና።
እቲ ቑኑዕ ምሕደራ ንብዙሓት ደቂ ሰባት ናብ ናይ ምዕብልና ጎደና እናሰሓበ ናብሮኦም እናማሓየሹ፡ንሃገሮም ንህዝቦምን ናብ ብልጹግ ዕብየት እንዳተጓዕዙ ይሕምቦቡ፡ ንቐጻሊ ወለዶ የጣጥሕሉ ንሕማቅ ኣይዕጠቑሉን፡ብጽቡቅ ነገር ግን ቅናቶም መሰረት ንኽኸዉን ኣበርትዖም ይማካኸሩን ይላዘቡን። ካብ ሓድነቶም ተበጊሶም ዘዉጽእዎ ቅዋሞም ንህዝቦምን ንሃገሮምን ኮይኖም ንዝልምኖም ዉጹዕ ህዝቢ ዓለሞም ድማ፡ተቐበልቲ ጋሻ ምዃን ይበቅዑ። ብኹሉ ሸነኻት ምስተን ብልጹጋት ሃገራት ናይ ዕዳጋታት ምልዉዋጥ ብሱልን ጥረን ፍርያት ኽትገብር ተክእሎታት ተጥሪ።ናይ ንግዜኡ ረብሓ ግን ካብ ግዝያዊ ረብሓ ኮይኑ ፡ናይ ሱስዓት ስነ ምግባር ኮይኑ ይተርፍ።እቲ ተጨቁኑ ክነብር ዝተፈርደ ህዝቢ ግን፡ ካብ ዉሱን ግዜ ንላዕሊ ክጸሮ ስለዘይክእል ። በዓል ሓደ ከብዱን ሓደልቡን፡ ዘይጽወር ኣይጽወርን‘ዩ። ሓንሳብን ንሐዋሩን ዓወት ናይ ጭቁን ህዝቢ የንበልብል፡ ለባም ክጋገ መራግእቲ እገድፍ !!!
ናይ ዝሐለፉ ወለዶታት ፡ክልተ ዝተፍላለየ ርእቶ ኣብ ጉዳይ ሃገር ከምቲ ኣብ ላዕሊ ብሕጽር ዝበለ ከብርሆ ዝፈተንኩ፡ ናይ መን ርእይቶ ተዓዊቱ ከም ዝወጸ ተዓዚብኩሞ ኣለኹም ። እቶም ናይ ነዊሕ ራኢ ዝወነኑ ሸነኽ ሰጋኣ-መጋእ ከይበሉ ዕጥቆም ሸጥ ብምባል ናብ ዝዉንዎ ጎቦታት ሕንክዪብ ዝበሉን፡ድሕሪ ብዙሕ ሓጎጽጎጽ ድማ ዓወት ዘመዝገቡን ዘረከቡናን እዮም። ስለ‘ዚ ናይ ርሑቅ ኣይኮነን፡ ዝሰፍሐ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ጉዳዩ ዘሰላሰለሉ፡ ኢዱ ዝሓወሰሉ ከም ምዃኑ መጠን፡ ንህዝብና ካብዚ ሕጂ ወዲቕዎ ዘሎ ምሕደራ፡ ኣልቦ፡ ካብ ኣደራዕ ከነድሕኖ እዞም ፍትሒ ነፍቅራ ኢልና ነዋጥየላ ሰባት እጃምና ንግበር ብእንኽእሎ፡ ርጡብ ቃልሲ ንምክያድ ብዙሕ ሽግር ኣይምሃለወናን ነሩ፡ ጸገምና ኣብ ዉሽጥና ኢዩ ዝርከብ፡ንሱ ድማ ንሓድነት ዘይምፍቃርና።
ተቓዋሚ ምዃን ጽቡቅ‘ዩ፡ንመሰልካ ምድላይ እታ ክትዉንና ዝግበኣካ እንኮ ናትካ‘ያ፡ ካብ ጉዪይ ምዉዓል ክሳድ ምሓዝ ዝብል ሕቶ ኣብ ዉሽጥኻ ኽገጥመካ፡ከምዝኽእል ኣቐድምካ ምርድኡ ኣገዳሲ ኢዩ።መጀመርታ ተቓዉሞ ክህሉ ቁቡል ጌርካ ምቕባሉ ንሕስያ ዘይህብ ሐቂ‘ዩ። ድሕሪ ምቅዋም ኣብ ጽኑዕ ዉደባ ምእታዉ፡ ብዘይ ንጹር ዕላማ ዓወት ዋላ እንተመጸ ከምዚ ኣጓኒፋና ዘሎ‘ዩ ዝቕበለና ዝድህኸና። ስለዚ ዉደባ ናይ ብዙሓት ክኸዉን፡ ነቲ ሕብረተሰብ ዘንጻባርቅ ዉደባታት ክህልዉ ጸጋ ሕ/ሰብና ምዃኖም እዮም፡ሃብቲ ሃገር‘ዉን እዮም።ብኸምዚ ክንርኦ እንተኽእልና ጥራይ‘ና፡ነታ ገፋሕ ጉደና ሰላምን፡ነታ ዓቐብን ቁልቁለትን ዝበዘሐ ሂይወትና ነቕስናን ብርሃን ጭራ ነሪኣን። ብንጹር ዕላማታት ምዉዳብ መተካእታ ዘይብሉ ህዝባዊ ጉዕዞ‘ዩ፡ልዕሊ 34 ዉድባት ከምዘለዋና ንዛረበለን ኣለና፡ሓይሊ ምህላዉ ኣድላይ እንድዩ እዚ ሓይሊ‘ዚ ምዉህሃድ ክፍጠር ዝግድድ ኩነት ኣብ ቅድሜና ተጋሪዱ ኣሎ።ነዚ ንምብዳህ ነብስና ምልዋጥ የድልየና ቅድሚ ኩሉ ፡ ብተስፋ ንጎልብት ።
በጃ ህዝቦም ዝሓለፉ ሰማእታት ኤርትራ ንዘልኣለም ይዘከሩ!!!
ርሑስ በዓል ልደት <> ርሑስ ሓድሽ ዓመት፡በዓል ለዉጢ2013
ዓወት ናይግድን‘ዩ፡
ሓድነት ንዉጹዕ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡
ዉድቀት ንሕጊ ኣልቦ መላኪ ስርዓት ኤርትራ፡
ክንዕወት ኢና!!!
ብየማነ ዘምላይ
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